
The University of New England prepares students to thrive in a rapidly-changing world and, 这样做的时候, to improve the health of people, 社区, 我们的星球.


We will realize this mission by committing to a distinctive approach to education that will make UNE among the most experientially driven institutions of higher education in the nation. We will provide teaching and learning that conjoins problem-based and hands-on learning, 博雅教育, and professional training to immerse students in an educational experience that prepares them with: 

  • 思维习惯, 比如文化, 定量, and information literacy, 批判性思维, tolerance for ambiguity, 以及解决问题的能力;
  • Discipline-based knowledge in their chosen programs of study; and 
  • Professional competencies, including emotional intelligence, the ability to collaborate in diverse teams, communicate persuasively, and be a thoughtful leader.

We will be an institution that challenges students to learn broadly, master their professional skills, and ask probing questions. 以这种方式, they will prepare themselves for further study and successful careers, 深深回馈生命, and meaningful contributions to their 社区 and the world.


We are guided by the following values, essential to the culture of the UNE community.


We put the aspirations, needs, and success of our students at the center of all we do.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We believe the benefits of a richly varied campus community arise not only from the diversity of its people but also from a sense of belonging and the context this creates to explore and celebrate differences in backgrounds, 经历, 和观点, underpinned by a sense of cultural humility and a commitment to ethical ideals.


We take nothing for granted and view thoughtful—even uncomfortable—questioning as essential to the pursuit of knowledge, 对社会的贡献, 还有值得过的生活. Our commitment to University-wide academic freedom is fundamental to this value.


Solutions to the complex and varied challenges we face in our personal and professional lives, 我们的社区, and society will not be found in any single discipline, 大学, 物理位置, 或者个人. 因此, our ability to move easily across such boundaries in order to collaborate with colleagues makes us better problem solvers and more likely of success in whatever ventures we undertake.


We believe that teaching and learning should occur beyond traditional classrooms and laboratories—in any place ripe for inquiry and experimentation, 包括诊所, environmental and field-study sites, 网上论坛, 库, 博物馆, 影院, and places of civic engagement, 在许多其他方面.


We are not afraid to take thoughtful risks in the pursuit of our shared goals.

Stewardship of Our Planet

We recognize that the health of individuals, 社区, and the natural environment is essential to the survival of the planet and its inhabitants and to a well-functioning society.