



Jennifer Stiegler-Balfour博士.D.


动物行为课程培养学生的批判性, 善于评估和整合信息的灵活思考者, and who use the scientific method to better understand proximate and ultimate drivers of behavior, 改善动物的生活和人类与动物的互动, 并保护物种.

The 动物行为 program realizes its mission through a rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum, 注重职业准备和实习经验, and by challenging students with opportunities for undergraduate research both in and out of the classroom. 具体地说, the interdisciplinary curriculum is designed to build concept and skill mastery in the discipline of animal behavior and includes coursework in the fields of psychology (the student of behavior and mental processes) and biology (the study of the living world; including marine and environmental sciences), 在其他学科中. 到学生毕业的时候, they will know how to think like scientists and be able to effectively articulate focal animal behavior concepts in writing and in speech. Our students will 也 practice ethical and socially responsible professionalism that will see them through unpredictable career paths. 重要的是, the 动物行为 program will push students intellectually by providing opportunities for research in the classroom as well as outside of the classroom setting, and in doing so will create graduates who are career-ready but 也 professionally flexible; able to enter the workforce and pursue graduate education.


动物行为 is an interdisciplinary major with students taking courses in a variety of departments to gain an appreciation of the discipline from multiple perspectives. 动物行为学不仅是一门研究动物行为的科学,也是一门研究动物为什么这么做的科学. This major is designed for students who are interested in understanding why animals act the way they do on a proximate and ultimate level. 动物行为学专业可以在国家公园找到工作, 研究实验室, 兽医诊所, 动物收容所, 水族馆或动物园, 或学术界. 学生 who are planning on attending a graduate program in this field should be prepared not only to maintain an appropriately high GPA but 也 to conduct research in a laboratory on campus or at another institution.

动物行为计划的核心价值观反映了那些更大的大学社区. 我们特别强调以下价值观:

  • 以学生为中心是我们所做的一切的基础
  • 我们尊重各种形式的多样性,积极追求包容性的学术环境
  • 作为地球的管家,我们认识到并努力保护生命的多样性
  • 我们提倡和实践不懈的调查,因为我们寻求真理


BIO 105/105L -生物学I:生态学/进化/实验室 or MAR 105/105L -生态/Evo海洋生物带实验室4
生物106/106L -生物学II:细胞/分子w/实验室 or MAR 106/106L -细胞/分子生物/海洋组织/实验室4
BIO 322 -比较动物生理学 or BIO 245 -解剖学、生理学的一般原理 & 病理生理学4
CHE 110/110L -普通化学I与实验室 or CHE 150/150L -大学普通化学I /Lab4
CHE 111/111L -一般化学II与实验室 or CHE 151/151L -大学普通化学II带实验室4
MAT 180 -微积分预科满足核心要求的学分
鸟叔105 -心理学入门3
PSY 225 -心理学统计3
PSY 250 -环境中的寿命发展满足核心要求的学分
鸟相275 -动物行为入门技术3
鸟叔285 -研究方法3
鸟叔335 -比较动物行为3
鸟叔362 -动物认知3
鸟叔365 -行为的生物学基础3
鸟叔384/384L -动物学习和行为与实验室4
鸟叔425 -动物行为的先进方法3
鸟叔495 -动物行为实习/研究3–12

*有机主题课程必须达到200级 or 更高,包括动手组件. These courses include BIO 222 Finfish/Shellfish Culture Tech; BIO 223 健康 Nutrition Feeding of Cultured Organisms; BIO 235 Winter Natural 历史; BIO257/257L Costa Rica: Tropical Forest and 全球 Change w/Lab; BIO 305/305L Mammalogy w/Lab; BIO 319 Ornithology; BIO 330 Comp Vert Anatomy; ENV 318 Adv 研究 Methods Avian Ecol; ENV 356 Terrestrial Wildlife Eco/Cons; MAR 320 Invert Zoology; MAR 331 Biology of Fishes; MAR 355 Biology Marine Mammals; MAR 436/436L Natural 历史 of Iceland w/ Lab; MAR 452/452L Natural 历史 and Evolution of Galapagos Fauna w/Lab; PSY 372 Foraging Behavior; PSY 406 Spec Topics 动物行为.

**Three (3) 动物行为 electives are required if the 动物行为 internship is 3–4 credits. 如果实习是五(5)个或更多学分,那么只需要两(2)门选修课. Other courses may be applied as electives with the approval of the School of Social and Behavior 科学s director or assistant academic director.

BIO 232 -微生物学3 
生物235 -冬季自然历史3 
BIO 333 -进化3 
BIO 345 -一般主任/物理/病理生理学5 
BIO 350 -生态学4 
生物422/422L -珊瑚生物学带实验室4 
BIO 459/459L -保护和生态加勒比岛带实验室4 
env208 -气候变化3 
env319 -野外生态学松鼠实习1 
ENV 356 -陆生野生动物及生态4 
mar250 -海洋生物学4 
mar252 -海洋哺乳动物3 
MAR 376 -生物鲨鱼,溜冰鞋,射线3 
MAR 428 -海洋保护3 
MAR 436/436L -冰岛自然史,带实验室4 
PHY 110/110L -普通物理I /Lab4 
PHY 111/111L -普通物理II带实验室4 
PSY 205 -变态心理学3 
PSY 226 -动机 & 情感3 
鸟叔245 -进化心理学3 
鸟叔278 -圈养动物管理3 
PSY 305 -专题(与程序批准)3 
鸟叔308 -动物交流3 
鸟相316 -意识心理学3 
鸟叔325 -老化心理学3 
PSY 330 -压力心理学3 
鸟叔364 - Soc & 童年时期的情感发展3 
鸟叔370 -毒品,社会,行为3 
鸟叔371 -保护行为3 
鸟叔372 -觅食行为3 
鸟叔383 -记忆 & 认知3 
鸟叔406 -动物行为专题3 

这个专业的学生可以 参加卫生研究生院预备课程.


平均绩点2分.25分才能被批准增设动物行为学专业. Double majoring or majoring and Minoring within the 社会与行为科学学院 may be possible for a student. 然而, students interested in this option should do so with close consultation with their academic advisor to ensure that a substantial degree of overlap between the two areas does not occur.

A minimum grade of C- must be achieved in all courses used to fulfill the requirements for the 动物行为 major. 学生 must 也 complete the University Core mathematics requirement by the end of the first year. 该项目强烈建议学生在大二的时候选修PSY 225和PSY 285. 该计划要求在大三结束前完成PSY 225和PSY 285. 看到 本科生学术政策 也.


在完成动物行为学专业的学士学位后, 学生将能够

  • 表现出批判性和综合性的思维能力
  • 具备口头和书面形式的科学信息交流能力
  • 展示动物行为中关键概念的知识
  • Exhibit quantitative research skills (or demonstrate ability to perform all parts of the scientific method)
  • 具有灵活的思维和将知识应用于新问题的能力


GPA不低于2分的学生.25 and a major at UNE may Minor in 动物行为 with the approval of the assistant academic director. 申报必须在大三第一学期结束前完成. Major programs of study with significant course overlap with animal behavior min或需求 may be disallowed by the academic director. 学生 declaring a Minor in animal behavior will be allowed to double-dip credits across the Minor and either major or core requirements (if no other options are provided by the major, Minor, 或核心需求). A minimum of eighteen (18) hours of approved course credit with a minimum grade of "C-" in each course is required for the Minor in 动物行为 as follows:

鸟叔105 -心理学入门3
鸟叔335 -比较动物行为3
鸟叔365 -行为的生物学基础3
鸟叔384/384L -动物学习和行为与实验室4


我们为符合条件的学生提供荣誉毕业的选择. 这包括重要的研究, 奖学金, 或者在老师的指导下进行创造性活动. 感兴趣的学生应该咨询他们的指导老师. 


在其他认可的学院完成的课程可以转到这个学位课程. Transferred courses must be reasonably close in scope and content to the required courses offered at UNE in order to count as exact equivalents. 否则,他们可以作为普通选修课. 完成的所有课程不得超过5年. 适用其他限制.

看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.


看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.



随后几年的学费和费用可能会有所不同. 其他费用包括书本费和住宿费. 有关学费和费用的更多信息,请咨询 财务信息 本目录部分.


本目录概述了学术课程, 度标准, 政策, and events of the University of New England for the 2024–2025 academic year and serves as the official guide for academic and program requirements for students enrolling at the University during the Summer of 2024, 2024年秋季, 和2025年春季学期.

正规澳门赌场网络保留修改课程的权利, 日历, 或认为必要或有益的课程表. 这包括对课程内容的修改, 类重新安排, 取消, 或任何其他学术调整. 变更将尽可能及时地进行沟通.

而学生可能会得到学术顾问或项目主任的指导, they remain responsible for fulfilling the requirements outlined in the catalog relevant to their enrollment year and for staying informed about any updates to 政策, 规定, 或需求.