





Our mission is to cultivate in our students a passion for understanding and solving political problems. 学生在整个课程中与教师密切合作, 最终完成了一个重大的独立研究项目. 通过这项工作, students will develop the imagination and skills in analysis and communication that prepare them for life after college.


Political science is the study of the problems and opportunities that arise when people live together in communities of all sizes. 政治学家研究政府, 公民身份, 民族国家之间的关系, 以及政治理论. Political science addresses fundamental issues confronting modern society — globalization, 战争, 不平等, 贫困, 环境-并寻求评估过程, 政策, 以及为解决这些问题而设计的理论. 政治学课程提供理论课程, methods and case studies within the four (4) sub-fields of political theory, 比较政治学, 国际关系, 和美国政治, 以及许多跨子领域的课程.

The 政治科学 major emphasizes the development of skills in effective writing and speaking, as well as creative problem solving — some of the most useful skills in a wide variety of careers in the public, 非牟利及私营机构. 这些技能也是在研究生院取得成功的关键. Our small classes and abundant individual attention from faculty give students ample opportunity to hone those skills. 政治科学 is also an excellent choice for students planning to study politics, 研究生阶段的公共政策或法律.

The program also offers 政治科学 majors the opportunity to select all of the EDU secondary education certification courses (listed below) as their electives in order to become middle or high school teachers (grades 7–12) in the area of social studies.


The pre-law emphasis allows students interested in studying law to receive special advising and to develop a liberal arts program of study appropriate as preparation for admission to law school and success in the legal profession, 以及在政府等各个领域的职业和工作, 媒体, 业务, 国际事务中, 外国服务, 非政府组织, 和教学. The study of law involves many aspects of social life and integrates many fields of study. 法官和律师要处理不同的诉讼, 从社会到医疗, 环境及其他应用. 因此,法学院鼓励学生选择多样化的本科专业. UNE students who are majoring in any program can take advantage of the pre-law emphasis.

虽然专业是开放的, law schools expect students to have acquired skills that enable them to think critically, 逻辑上的原因, 有效的说和写. The Pre-law Advisor will help students build their interdisciplinary program of study that includes not only humanities courses, 还有生物课程, 环境研究, 心理学, 和管理.


PSC 105 -政治学导论 or 政治作为社会科学3
One (1) Introductory level course in American Politics including PSC 101, 103, 106, 203, 205, 207, or 2503
One (1) Introductory level course in Comparative Politics including PSC 100, 110, 204, or 2053
One (1) Introductory level course in International Relations including GLS 100, PSC 201, 240, or 2413
One (1) Introductory level course in Political Theory including PSC 100, 120, 200, 206, or 2073
一(1)美国政治高级课程(300级 or 更高)3
一(1)比较政治学高级课程(300级) or 更高)3
一(1)国际关系高级课程(300级 or 更高)3
三(3)政治科学选修课(至少有一(1)必须是300- or 400级)9
PSC 490 -高级研讨会3
PSC 491 -综合论文3

鼓励双专业或各种类型的辅修. All students can pursue internships and study abroad opportunities while majoring in political science.



  • Have developed a mature political imagination which includes an ability to envision what constitutes an important political question/issue and to understand the various ways in which a political scientist might address such a question/issue.
  • Have mastered essential facts relevant and necessary to the study of global political life. 这涉及到对关键角色的工作知识, 结构, institutions and historical dynamics that constitute the contemporary political order. It also includes a broad familiarity with the historical roots of that order.
  • Be able to think critically, analytically and rigorously about the world of politics.
  • Have an informed sense of the historical dimension of the various political issues, 发展, 趋势, 与学生兴趣相关的探究理论和形式.
  • Have an enlightened understanding of the multicultural nature of global (but especially American) political life.
  • 能够传达信息, 分析结果并进行有说服力的辩论, 包括书面和口头形式, 清晰有效.
  • Be able to conduct sound and rigorous social inquiry using a variety of methodologies and techniques.
  • Be able to compete successfully for placement in graduate programs or employment relevant to the field of study.


  • 总结性课程
  • 毕业论文
  • 毕业论文答辩
  • 实习主管评估
  • 研讨会的演讲
  • Annual departmental review of graded assignments and exams and samples of student writing
  • 考试表现


  • 研究生项目的录取率
  • 校友和雇主满意度
  • 课程结束后的学生评估表

A student with a major in another department may minor 政治学 with the approval of the 社会与行为科学学院 Academic Director.

PSC 105 -政治学导论 or 政治科学社会科学3
2 (2) 100- or 200级PSC课程6
三(3)300- or 400级PSC课程(跨多个子领域)9

社会与行为科学学院开设了另一门辅修课程 健康、法律和政策.


我们为符合条件的学生提供荣誉毕业的选择. This includes a research project of significant ambition under the direction of a faculty member. 感兴趣的学生应该咨询他们的专业顾问. 


看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.


看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.



随后几年的学费和费用可能会有所不同. 其他费用包括书本费和住宿费. 有关学费和费用的更多信息,请咨询 财务信息 本目录部分.


本目录概述了学术课程, 度标准, 政策, and events of the University of New England for the 2024–2025 academic year and serves as the official guide for academic and program requirements for students enrolling at the University during the Summer of 2024, 2024年秋季, 和2025年春季学期.

The information provided is accurate as of its publication date on April 26, 2024.
正规澳门赌场网络保留修改课程的权利, 日历, 或认为必要或有益的课程表. 这包括对课程内容的修改, 类重新安排, 取消, 或任何其他学术调整. 变更将尽可能及时地进行沟通.

While students may receive guidance from academic advisors or program directors, they remain responsible for fulfilling the requirements outlined in the catalog relevant to their enrollment year and for staying informed about any updates to 政策, 规定, 或需求.