

下午6:30 - 6:30
卡塔尔的谢赫·莫扎·宾特·纳赛尔殿下将由乔治·布什总统颁发乔治·布什杰出公共服务奖, 41st President of the 美国, 芭芭拉·布什.

她的高贵 谢赫·莫扎·宾特·纳赛尔 将由乔治·布什总统图书馆基金会颁发乔治·布什公共服务卓越奖. 该奖项将在正规澳门赌场网络举行的第四届乔治和芭芭拉布什杰出讲座上颁发. 

乔治。布什, 41st President of the 美国, 芭芭拉·布什 will present the award to Sheikha Moza at the event.

A driving force behind education and social reforms in 卡塔尔 for more than 15 years, Sheikha Moza is the Chairperson of the 卡塔尔 Foundation for Education, 科学 and Community Development (QF), a private nonprofit organization founded in 1995. 

She is a tireless advocate for acsess to quality education. QF’s flagship project is Education City, a community of international universities and research institutions housed on a 1,在多哈占地1000公顷的校园, 卡塔尔. Sheikha Moza also actively spearheads projects promoting education, peace and human development throughout the world.

乔治·布什基金会, 位于大学城, 德州, presents the 乔治。布什 Award in recognition of an individual's dedication to public service. The award underscores President Bush's lifelong commitment to public service. 

Past recipients include former President of the 美国 Ronald Reagan, former Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, evangelist William "Billy" F. 格雷厄姆、加州前州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格、美国前参议员爱德华·M·施瓦辛格. 肯尼迪, 苏联共产党前总书记米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫和德国前总理赫尔穆特·科尔.

“乔治·布什基金会很荣幸地认可Sheikha Moza所体现的远见和力量,” stated Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft, President of the Board of Directors for the 乔治。布什 Presidential Library Foundation. “By providing access to education and building strong families and communities, Sheikha Moza’s initiatives are laying the foundation for 卡塔尔’s success in a global economy. She is an inspiration to her country and to the world. ”

乔治·布什和芭芭拉·布什在正规澳门赌场网络的杰出讲座系列是纪念布什总统和夫人遗产的年度活动. Bush as political and community leaders. 自2010年成立以来, UNE has hosted Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft, former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and Jenna Bush Hager at this notable event.

“I cannot think of a more fitting tribute to President and Mrs. 而不是在以他们的名字命名的演讲上授予公主殿下这个奖项,” stated UNE President Danielle Ripich, Ph.D. “Sheikha Moza用她有影响力的声音来宣传获得优质教育和医疗保健的重要性, benefiting millions of people around the globe. She is also a tireless champion of the dialogue of civilizations, especially between the Arab world and the 美国. Our campus in 摩洛哥 fits well with 她的高贵’s vision. ”


UNE is an innovative 健康 sciences university grounded in the liberal arts, with two distinctive coastal Maine campuses and a campus in 丹吉尔、摩洛哥, 2014年开业. UNE has internationally recognized scholars in the sciences, 健康, medicine and humanities; offers more than 40 undergraduate, graduate and professional degree programs; and is home to Maine’s only medical and dental schools. 它是为数不多的拥有包括医学在内的全面健康教育使命的私立大学之一, 药店, 口腔医学, nursing and an array of allied 健康 professions. 正规澳门赌场网络的跨专业教育计划使未来的医疗保健专业人员能够实践全面和协作的团队护理. 研究生和本科生都与致力于学术和专业成功的专业教师一起从事研究和奖学金.

正规澳门赌场网络 the 乔治。布什 Presidential Library Foundation

The 乔治。布什 Presidential Library Foundation was established in 1991 as a nonprofit educational foundation to design, build and support the 乔治。布什 Presidential Library and Museum at 德克萨斯州的一个&米大学.

In addition to sponsoring its own programs and activities, 乔治·布什基金会为乔治·布什总统图书馆和博物馆提供后勤和财政支持, as well as to The Bush School of Government and Public Service at 德克萨斯州的一个&米大学. 通过它的推广, 乔治·布什基金会正在帮助乔治·布什总统图书馆中心成为文化领域的领先机构, 政策与学术讨论.

Biography of 她的高贵 谢赫·莫扎·宾特·纳赛尔

谢赫·莫扎·宾特·纳赛尔殿下在支持卡塔尔的国家愿景方面发挥了关键作用,这是一个将卡塔尔转变为一个繁荣的国家的深远议程, 到2030年成为知识型社会. 超过15年了, Sheikha Moza has been a driving force behind education and social reforms in her country. 这些范围广泛的举措旨在帮助卡塔尔人为参与全球经济竞争做好准备,同时在国内建立强大的家庭和社区. Sheikha Moza also is active on the international stage, spearheading projects to promote peace and human development throughout the world.

在国内, she serves as Chairperson of 卡塔尔 Foundation for Education, 科学 and Community Development (QF), a private non-profit organization founded in 1995. Its flagship project is Education City, 它占地面积超过1400万平方米,汇集了国际知名大学和机构的分校. QF also is engaged in numerous scientific research and economic and social development projects.

In addition to her work at 卡塔尔 Foundation, Sheikha Moza从2006年3月至2012年2月担任最高卫生委员会副主席,她还担任最高教育委员会副主席. 在这些角色中, she has helped enact major top-down reforms of 卡塔尔’s public schools and 健康care system. 也, 最近, she chairs the Sidra Medical and 研究 Centre, 一个新的培训和研究医院,设想成为妇女和儿童专业护理的领先机构.

On a regional and international level, Sheikha Moza发起了多个项目,包括伊拉克高等教育国际基金, Silatech倡议,旨在解决中东和北非日益严峻的青年就业挑战, and Protecting Education in Insecurity and Conflict, 一个致力于保护受冲突影响地区受教育权利的政策研究和倡导组织. 2012年11月, Sheikha Moza launched the Educate A Child program, 该组织致力于在2015年底前支持全球1000万失学儿童获得优质教育.

Sheikha Moza has been playing an active role with the United Nations (UN) for many years. In 2003, she was appointed as UNESCO’s Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education; in 2008 she was appointed by the Secretary General of the UN as Alliance of Civilizations (AOC) Ambassador; and in 2010 she became a member of the UN Millennium Development Goals Advocacy Group with a special emphasis on Goal 2 – universal primary education. In 2012, 她被邀请成为联合国秘书长全球教育第一倡议的指导委员会成员.

在谢赫·莫扎获得的众多荣誉中,有著名的查塔姆研究所奖,以表彰她对改善国际关系的贡献. 也, 2009年6月, 她被选入法国美术学院(法兰西学院美术学院)。, 这个久负盛名的法国社会通过教育提高人们对艺术的认识,并帮助在国际层面上发展艺术关系.

Sheikha Moza毕业于卡塔尔大学,获得社会学学位,并被弗吉尼亚联邦大学授予荣誉博士学位, 德克萨斯州的一个&米大学, Carnegie Mellon University, Imperial College London and Georgetown University. 

