
迈克尔·C. 戴利,Ph值.D.



Decary Hall 302A

Dr.  戴利  graduated in 1984 from the 缅因大学奥罗诺分校 with a B.S. 化学工程. Dr. 戴利得了个M.A. 1988年获得经济学博士学位.D. in Economics in 2000 from the Whittemore School of 业务 and Economics, Durham, New Hampshire. 

Dr. 戴利 started working at the University of New England in fall 2004. He teaches principles courses in Macroeconomics, 微观经济学, 商业与经济, as well as upper level courses in 生态经济学, 环境经济学, U.S. Economic Development, and 健康 Economics. Dr. 戴利 also offers a course entitled Economics in Context in the Green Learning Community, an integrated learning experience linking courses in Environmental Studies, 自然与文学, 生物学, and Economics for first-year environmental studies, 海洋生物学, 商科学生. 在正规澳门赌场网络期间. 戴利 has established an economic minor.

Dr. 戴利’s research interests are primarily in environmental economics, 生态经济学, macroeconomics and the pedagogy of economic education. He is a regular presenter at conferences held by professional associations, including the U.S. 生态经济学 Society and the Midwestern 业务 Administration Association International.  Dr. 戴利 was part of an interdisciplinary team working on a Maine EPSCoR research grant entitled “Sustaining Quality of Place in the Saco River Estuary through Community Based Ecosystem Management.”

While at the University of New England, Dr. 戴利 has been instrumental in creating and co-chairing the UNE Environmental Council and chairing the committee responsible for developing the Paul D. Merrill 业务 Ethics Lecture Series. Dr. 戴利 served on the Presidents Climate Committee Action Team, and the Graduate Program of Public 健康 Advisory Committee.  Dr. 戴利 as also served as an elected representative on the University Faculty Assembly and chaired the 文理学院 Student Affairs Committee.   

Prior to working at the University of New England, Dr. 戴利 taught Macroeconomics as a 访问ing Assistant Professor at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. He also taught Natural Resource Economics as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern Maine and courses in 微观经济学 at University of Southern New Hampshire.

In addition to his experience in academia, Dr. 戴利 has worked both full and part time as an environmental engineer and consultant since 1995. Dr. 戴利 was a founding partner at MacMillan & Donnelly Environmental Consulting in Falmouth, Maine.





Board Certifications and Licenses

State of Maine Professional Engineer - Environmental Engineering



Pluralism in economics and the root metaphor theory of Stephen C. 胡椒.

Teaching pedegogy related to interdisciplinary and integrated learning as conducted by the Green Learning Community at UNE.


戴利, Michael, Grumbling, Owen and Peterson, Richard B. 2014. "Rescuing Economics From the Discipline: The Green Learning Community."  Journal of Higher 教育 Theory and Practice 14(3).

"The Macroeconomics Context of the Great Recession of 2008” Proceedings of Midwest 业务 Administration Association International. Ed. 史蒂文·帕尔默. 芝加哥,2011年3月. 20-26

"Economics and 全球 Warming: Penny Wise But Pound Foolish" published in the Proceedings of the Midwest 业务 Administration Association (MBAA) International annual conference, 2009年3月.

"Creating 可持续性 Within Our Midst". (2008)编辑:Robert L. 查普曼. "Pluralism and 生态经济学" pp. 117 _ 135. 佩斯大学出版社,纽约. Article part of a compilation accepted for publication in the Conference Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the United States Society for 生态经济学 (USSEE) held at Pace University, 纽约,6月23日至27日, 2007.

“生态经济学, 业务, and Problem Solving: A Path Toward Action" published in the Proceedings of the Midwest 业务 Administration Association (MBAA) International annual conference, 2007年3月.



