
扎卡里·H. 奥尔森,Ph值.D.




Decary Hall 335





林学系博士后培养 & 自然资源



Using non-invasive genetics to diagnose Northern bog lemming occurrence: Northern bog lemmings are a state threatened species in Maine. We know very little about their behavior, ecology, or even their distribution. My students and I are working in the field and in the lab to develop a molecular tool that will allow us to distinguish the threatened Northern bog lemming from its congener, the putatively more-common Southern bog lemming.  This project is the first step in improving our understanding of 1) where Northern bog lemmings are, 2)他们在做什么, 3)如何更好地保护它们.  

Investigating grey seal food habits: Grey seals are in the process of an impressive comeback in numbers, and concerns are being raised that grey seals are more and more competing with commercial fisheries operations for desirable groundfishes like cod.  My colleague in the School of Marine Programs, Dr. 凯瑟琳小野, and I along with our students have developed and are using molecular tools to determine food habits of the now abundant grey seals.  

Scavengers and foraging risk: The world outside can be a scary place.  We know that most animals, if given the chance, will engage in foraging on carrion (i.e.(动物尸体). 然而, 动物所做的决定, 具体情况具体分析, to engage or not to engage in foraging on carrion are still a mystery. My students and I are investigating foraging decisions made by scavengers when faced with a potentially free meal associated with carrion.     


McCosker C., Z. H. 奥尔森和K. 小野. 2024. A comparative methodological approach to studying the 饮食 of a recovering marine predator, 灰海豹(Halichoerus grypus). 中国动物学报,32 (2):393 - 398. [link]

shutt E., R. Francolini N. 价格,Z. H. 奥尔森和C. J. 拜伦. 2023. Supporting ecosystem services of habitat and biodiversity in temparate seaweed (Saccharina spp.)的农场. 海洋环境研究191:106162. [link]

希望,一个. G., K. M. 无头,Z. H. B. J. 恩斯. 2023. 分类学, 生物地理学, and phylogenomics of northern bog lemmings (Cricetidae), cold-temperate rodents of conservation concern under global change. 系统学与生物多样性21:1. [link]

奥尔森,Z. H., C. Torlone C. M. 罗素,C. A. 木材、J. F. 韦尔奇和K. M. 霍尔德. 2022. Foraging risk in scavenging ecology: a study of scavenger behavior and patterns of bacterial growth. 生态学报61 (1):10-19. [link]

丹齐格,. M., Z. H. 奥尔森和M. Frederich. 2022. eDNA分析的局限性 Carcinus maenus 丰度估计. BMC生态与进化22:14. 10.1186/s12862-022-01969-z

Wuerthner V. P., S. J. A. 金布尔Z. H. 奥尔森,N. G. Burgmeier和R. N. 威廉姆斯. 2021. High landscape-level gene flow in the red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus). Journal of North American Herpetology 2021(2):1-7.

丹尼,K. N.比洛多,K. N.杜蒙,C. A.和Z. H. 奥尔森. 2021. Separating effects of spatial location and microhabitat density on perceived predation risk in small mammals. 动物学报,24(1):1-7. [link]

Dufault, M., Z. H. 奥尔森,D. Mellone K. 弗兰德斯和K. A. 小野. 2021. Flatfish may be underestimated in the 饮食 of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). 动物学报,2009 (3):227-234.

弗兰德斯,K. R, Z. H. 奥尔森和K. A. 小野. 2020. Utilizing next-generation sequencing to identify prey DNA in western North Atlantic grey seal Halichoerus grypus 饮食. 海洋生态进展系列655:227-240.

McCosker C., K. 弗兰德斯,K. 小野,M. Dufault * D. Mellone*和Z. H. 奥尔森. 2020. 元条形码粪便DNA显示程度 Halichoerus grypus (Gray seal) foraging on invertebrates and incidence of parasite exposure. 东北自然科学27(4):681-700.

权力,K. D., D. N. 威利,. R. Robuck Z. H. 奥尔森L. J. 韦尔奇,M. A. 汤普森和L. 考夫曼. 2020. Spatiotemporal characterization of non-breeding great shearwaters Ardenna型 在它们的越冬范围内. 海洋鸟类学报,48(2):215-229.

韦伯斯特,年代. C., Z. H. 奥尔森和J. C. 比斯利. 2019. Occupancy and abundance of free-roaming cats in a fragmented agricultural ecosystem. 野生动物学报,46(4):779 - 779.

比斯利,J. C., Z. H. 奥尔森T. L. 默认值,N. 热带雨林. 2019. 食腐的生态功能. 《正规澳门赌场网站》第125-157页,P. P., P. 马特奥-托马斯和J. A. Sanchez-Zapata, eds. 腐肉生态与管理. 施普林格. 野生动物研究专论第二卷.

小野,K. A., C. M. 施泰因拜塞尔,. B. 可可,M. J. 希恩,. J. 贝克,M. N. Dufault K. M. 吉尔伯特,J. J. Antonez和Z. H. 奥尔森. 2019. 检测灰海豹饮食中的刺角鲨. 遗传资源保护(11):481-485.

施泰因拜塞尔,C. M., C. A. Wawrzynowski X. 拉莫斯和Z. H. 奥尔森. 2018. Scavenging and the ecology of fear: Do animal carcasses create islands of risk on the landscape? 加拿大动物杂志96:229-236.

比蒂,W. S., J. C. 比斯利,Z. H. 奥尔森和O. E. 罗兹,小. 2016. Influence of habitat attributes on density of Virginia opossums in agricultural ecosystems. 加拿大动物杂志94:411-419.

Kenison E. K., Z. H. 奥尔森和R. N. 威廉姆斯. 2016. A novel transport system for hellbender salamanders (Cryptobranchus一lleganiensis). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11:355-361.

DeVault T. L., J. C. 比斯利,Z. H. 奥尔森,M. Moleon J. A. Sanchez-Zapata J. A. Donázar, A. Margalida. 2016. Ecosystem services provided by avian scavengers. 235 - 270页 in Sekercioglu C.D. G.惠兰,C. J., eds. 鸟类提供的生态系统服务. 芝加哥大学出版社,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.

Dharmarajan G., J. C. 比斯利,W. S. 比蒂,Z. H. 奥尔森J. A. 喜欢,和O. E. 罗兹,小. 2016. Genetic co-structuring in host-parasite systems: empirical data from raccoons and raccoon ticks. 生态球 7(3):e01269

奥尔森,Z. H., J. C. 比斯利和O. E. 罗兹,小. 2016. Carcass type affects local scavenger guilds more than habitat connectivity. 科学通报,11(2):e0147798. [链接到全文]

奥尔森,Z. H., B. J. MacGowan, M. T. 汉密尔顿是一. F. Currylowe和R. N. 威廉姆斯. 2015. Survival of timber rattlesnakes: incorporating individual and ecological effects. Herpetologica 71:274 - 279.

比斯利,J. C., Z. H. 奥尔森和T. L. DeVault. 脊椎动物食腐动物的生态作用. 2015. Pages 107-128 in Carrion Ecology, Evolution, and their Application. 本堡,M. E., J. 汤姆伯林和A. Tarone, Eds. CRC出版社,博卡拉顿,佛罗里达州,美国.

Hoverman J. T., Z. H. 奥尔森,年代. 拉格朗日,J. Grant和R. N. 威廉姆斯. 2015. A guide to larval amphibian identification in the field and laboratory. 普渡大学合作. Ext. 服务,W. 拉斐特,. fnr - 496.

奥尔森,Z. H., D. G. 惠特克和O. E. 罗兹,小. 2013. Translocation history and genetic diversity in bighorn sheep. 野生动物管理杂志77:1553-1563.

奥尔森,Z. H., N. G. Burgmeier P. A. Zollner和R. N. 威廉姆斯. 2013. Survival estimates for adult eastern hellbenders and their utility for conservation. 爬行动物学报47:71-74.

比斯利,J. C., Z. H. 奥尔森W. S. 比蒂,G. 达摩拉扬和O. E. 罗兹,小. 2013. Effects of culling on mesopredator populations dynamics. PLoS ONE 8:e58982.

奥尔森,Z. H., J. T. 布里格勒和R. N. 威廉姆斯. 2012. An eDNA approach to detect eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus一.  alleganiensis)使用水样. 野生动物研究39:629-636.

比斯利,J. C., Z. H. 奥尔森和T. L. DeVault. 2012. Carrion cycling in food webs: comparisons among terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Oikos 121:1021 - 1026.

奥尔森,Z. H., D. G. 惠特克和O. 小罗德. 2012. Evaluation of experimental genetic management in reintroduced bighorn sheep. 生态学和进化2:42 - 43.

奥尔森,Z. H., J. C. 比斯利,T. L. 默认值和0. E. 罗兹,小. 2012. Scavenging community response to the removal of a dominant scavenger. Oikos 121:77 - 84.

比斯利,J. C., Z. H. 奥尔森,G. Dharmarajan T. S. Eagan, II和O. E. 罗兹,小. 2011. Spatio-temporal variation in the demographic attributes of a generalist mesopredator. 景观生态学26:37 -950.

Eagan T. S., i, j. C. 比斯利,Z. H. 奥尔森和O. E. 罗兹,小. 2011. Response of small-mammal populations to the removal of a generalist mesopredator in a fragmented, 农业景观. 加拿大动物杂志89:724-731.

DeVault T. L., Z. H. 奥尔森J. C. 比斯利和O. E. 罗兹,小. 2011. Mesopredators dominate competition for carrion in an 农业景观. 生态学报,12 (2):268-274.

页面左. K., J. C. 比斯利,Z. H. 奥尔森T. J. smyster, M. 唐尼,K. F. 柯尔尼,年代. E. 麦考德T. S. Eagan, II和O. E. 罗兹,小. 2011. 减少 Baylisascaris procyonis 浣熊厕所内的蛔虫幼虫. 新发传染病17:90-93.


My scholarship in animal behavior can be divided into two broad categories. My students and I conduct applied research that seeks to inform efforts to conserve wildlife and we conduct basic research investigating facets of foraging behavior including scavenging ecology.