Headshot of Mike Lambrecht

Mike Lambrecht ’22

Physician Assistant (M.S.P.A.)


I went to UNE for undergrad, so I was familiar with the school. I was interested in the PA程序 because of the opportunity for interprofessional work with the other health professions students. I am in a program where we get to interact with geriatric patients. We refer to them as “elder teachers,” which I like. In the program, a pharmacy student, a dental student, and a PA student all work together. We meet with our elder teacher and talk to them, pretending that we 是 their health c是 team. I thought that was a neat part of UNE’s program that I wanted to be involved in.

The professors 是 really cool. A lot of them 是 still practicing, so they have clinical days in their office and then they have days that they 是 here at UNE teaching. It’s awesome because they 是 up-to-date since they work in the field. They 是 doing what they love and what we want to do someday. Our professors literally PAs, so it gives us something to look up to.

Learning Everywhere

We do a lot of hands-on activities and labs. We learned how to do a full physical exam within the first two semesters of the program. It’s cool to get those skills. The program also brings in a lot of alumni, which is awesome. I like that a lot because we get to hear about their experiences. We recently had two alumni come in who work in the ER at Maine Med, and they sh是d what they 是 going through at work that connects to what we 是 learning. It’s always so easy to connect with alumni through those interactions and gain new insights.