Headshot of U N E student Viriginia May

Virginia May ’24

Environmental 科学


The [UNE] campus is so gorgeous 和 the location is amazing. I could just tell that the community 和 atmosphere would be a place that I wanted to study. There is so much to explore on campus 和 beyond. There’s some really beautiful spots 和 community members on campus.

As an aspiring environmental scientist I looked at the sustainability of the campus 和 I got a really good impression of it.

Beyond the Classroom

Through clubs 和 classes, I’ve worked h和-in-h和 with [UNE’s Office of Sustainability]. For instance, I’ve helped out with proposals for decreasing carbon emissions 和 eliminating fossil fuels from our campus. A lot of the [environmental scienceclimate change] classes that I’ve been in were actually the ones that had professors 和 students collaborate with 和 propose solutions to sustainability administration.

我爱 how on-the-ground 和 student-involved the sustainability initiatives are on campus — I think that is what sets UNE apart. Whether it’s through courses or student research that directly influences the sustainability of campus, it’s all interconnected. I’m up at the wee hours of the morning doing chestnut tree research. Some people are waking up to study 和 count birds.

I also enjoy working in the community gardens 和 greenhouses on campus. Additionally, I’m part of the Honeybee Conservation Club where we have our own beehives here.