
正规澳门赌场网络夏季可持续发展奖学金项目将正规澳门赌场网络学生和正规澳门赌场网络应届毕业生与当地市政官员配对, 业务, 以及非营利社区伙伴(主办机构)在专门设计的可持续发展项目上进行合作. 我们广泛地定义可持续发展,使用 17个联合国可持续发展目标 作为一个框架.

Each UNE fellow undertakes a full time (approximately 400 hours) challenging site-specific project over 10 weeks during the summer that includes defined deliverables. 该研究员将获得6800美元的津贴和最多3个实习课程学分.

正规澳门赌场网络的研究员由主办机构的专业人员指导,并由正规澳门赌场网络的一个项目团队提供建议. 主办机构和奖学金学生共同制定工作计划,指导奖学金学生整个夏季的工作, 完成指定的任务, 职责, 交付物也允许在项目过程中根据需要灵活地进行调整. 研究员每周以小组形式会面(每组四到五名学生),围绕项目主题组织. 这些小组由UNE项目团队领导. 奖学金获得者也参加项目活动(培训), 每周为研究员举办专业发展活动, 仲夏工作坊, 以及期末报告),旨在鼓励与其他同学建立关系, 导师, 和UNE项目团队.





今年夏天,我希望通过The Nonantum和UNE建立有意义的联系, 扩大我的财务分析知识, 市场营销, 活动策划. 我对可持续设计和绿色建筑很感兴趣. 我认为今年夏天将与市场营销和帮助建立一个可持续的活动.”


The fellow will first become familiar 与 the sustainability measures Nonantum has in place and recommend new processes and 产品 that will help us establish an industry benchmark for sustainability. 然后, 在奖学金结束的时候, 应用这些信息来帮助创建面向客户的抵押品来支持婚礼, 企业, and social events at the resort and Blackrock Farm under the rubric of developing a sustainability-driven events program.

Additional objectives include: developing a statement of the financial benefits and costs of sustainable events; creating an internal sustainability guide to events at the Nonantum that promotes the responsible sourcing of materials and relies on internal processes that are considered sustainable; and working 与 the 市场营销 and sales department to convert this information to customer-facing content. 

  • Brief that provides a review of current sustainability measures and recommends new sustainability processes and 产品.
  • Creation of internal resources for staff to guide guests when they are considering sustainable components of events held at the resort or Blackrock Farm.
  • 应用于非量子事件的可持续产品和流程的价值链分析和财务审查.
  • 创建面向客户的抵押品,促进活动主办的可持续性. 



My goal for this summer is to enhance my southern Maine ecology knowledge and foster connections 与 local Mainers who hike along the 草甸森林保护区. 我热衷于学习新的文化和参与国际保护工作, 重点是热带生态系统.”


该研究员将协助肯纳邦克波特保护信托基金(KCT)规划他们最新保护区的未来, 草甸森林保护区. 该项目将从审查现有文件开始, 了解该物业的历史和生态, 之后,与相关社区成员(包括九隧员工)举行会议, 董事会成员, 和志愿者). 然后,他将帮助在保护区内设计一条与现有动植物兼容的周边小径. 他们还将为保护区东部的入侵植物物种设计一个管理计划.

如果时间允许的话, 小径建设和入侵物种管理可以在KCT志愿者的帮助下开始. 与KCT员工沟通, 董事会成员, 志愿者将是这一合作关系的重要组成部分.

  • Plan for a perimeter trail for the 草甸森林保护区 that reflects the interest of the KCT community and is compatible 与 existing flora and fauna.
  • 草甸森林保护区入侵物种管理计划.
  • 如果时间允许,开始进行建筑和入侵物种管理方面的培训.



今年夏天, I hope to expand upon my professional network and gain valuable knowledge in actions that 业务es can take to pursue successful sustainability plans! 通过我在缅因州气候工作中心的奖学金, I am curious to learn more about professional spaces in which I can impact how climate policy is communicated 与 业务es in order to increase its efficacy in the industrial sector.”


协助建立和实施缅因州气候行动商业和创新网络(Maine CABIN), 建立面向全国各行各业的新型商业支持服务体系, 大小, 和地点. 缅因小屋将建成一个大胆的, 全面的, 有效的, 健壮的, 以及让企业参与的包容性项目, 工人, and communities; strengthens partnerships 与 Maine’s private, 公共, and nonprofit sectors; and supports the growth and deployment of climate solutions in operations, 产品, 服务, 项目, 以及经济和劳动力发展战略.

缅因州CABIN项目将建立一个可持续的, 在气候变化受限的经济中为企业提供庇护和支持的持续资源. This program will lead to significantly lower greenhouse gas levels and a diversity of opportunities for a diversity of Maine 业务es. 缅因小屋将帮助他们导航和获取新的和现有的资源,他们需要成长和成功. 缅因CABIN将容纳能够为数百名缅因工程师提供就业机会的公司, 安装程序, 渔民, 林业工作者, 服务和公用事业工人, 以及大大小小的企业主和他们的雇员. 尤其是小企业和初创企业的参与将有助于他们发展业务和劳动力, 推销他们的产品和服务, 并为气候解决方案做出贡献.

The Maine CABIN will focus on a hybrid delivery of 服务 to 业务es and startups that include virtual 业务 support programs, 面对面的建议和教育课程, 以及全州范围内的辅导机会, 区域合作伙伴支持组件. The programs (or “rooms”) in the Maine CABIN can be developed at different times but eventually will contribute to a virtual/physical “place” that is welcoming to all views and inhabitants.


CWM将直接与项目成员合作,根据他们的兴趣和职业发展道路进行项目的组成部分. 例如, the fellow may assist CWM 与 developing an online resource library for its member companies by working on some of the following tasks:

  • 企业可以采取的直接和切实的行动目录,以减少建筑物中的碳排放, 车辆, 与采购.
  • 有关气候变化如何影响其业务以及如何测量其气候排放的资源.
  • 新设备的融资机会, 重要的技术, 发展低碳解决方案(如.g.(电力、供暖、电动汽车、高效机械).
  • 正规澳门赌场网络州和联邦退税或奖励的可访问信息.
  • Practical examples – from 与in and outside of Maine - of how 业务es are implementing low-carbon technologies and reducing emissions across their supply chains.


  • 召集业务可持续发展主管, 专家, 有影响力的人, 并指定员工进行教育, 倡导, 鼓励缅因州盈利和可持续发展的企业.
  • 定义和认可创新的可持续性商业实践
  • 参加CWM和合作伙伴信息和网络, 包括缅因州经济和气候变化年度峰会

艾比·塔斯卡,海洋生物学专业/海洋事务和政治学辅修' 25


今年夏天 I hope to learn what The Ecology School does by participating in their programs and to make lasting connections 与 the people I meet. 我很想了解的一个领域是如何制定有效的政策  社会的发展和保护的努力,而不是继续把它们视为对立面.”


The fellow will draft a 全面的 five-year economic/业务 strategy plan for The Ecology School at River Bend Farm through the lens of sustainability 与 a focus on 业务 and 教育.

该项目将以生态学院之前的商业计划为基础, 目前在当地和区域市场的地位, 竞争分析, 成长机会, 以及在占地313英亩的校园里实现增长的战略. 考虑到环境, 教育, 股本, 经济作为一个四部分的框架, 该奖学金生将帮助制定2024-28年战略计划, 下一次筹款活动, 以及对社区的经济影响. 最终, 该计划将量化生态学院对利益相关者的社会和经济影响.

研究员将被介绍到组织的各个方面,以发展对工作的全面理解, 角色和职责, 组织的成长. 虽然这个项目包括独立研究和工作, there will be lots of opportunities for interpersonal engagement and hands-on experience 与in our sustainability 教育 programs at the River Bend Farm campus.



  • A written report summarizing the economic vitality of The Ecology School as a sustainability-focused 教育al nonprofit organization in Maine 与 national and international connections.
  • 以“covid -19前”业务计划为基础的最新可持续业务计划草案, 包括战略方向和规划.
  • 为下一次筹款活动做研究.



I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge in trail design and improving accessibility to natural spaces as well as learning more about invasive species management. 我感兴趣的是为更多的人提供更多的机会, 与......联系, 了解自然空间.”


该研究员将协助肯纳邦克波特保护信托基金(KCT)规划他们最新保护区的未来, 草甸森林保护区. 该项目将从审查现有文件开始, 了解该物业的历史和生态, 之后,与相关社区成员(包括九隧员工)举行会议, 董事会成员, 和志愿者). 然后,他将帮助在保护区内设计一条与现有动植物兼容的周边小径. 他们还将为保护区东部的入侵植物物种设计一个管理计划.

如果时间允许的话, 小径建设和入侵物种管理可以在KCT志愿者的帮助下开始. 与KCT员工沟通, 董事会成员, 志愿者将是这一合作关系的重要组成部分.

  • Plan for a perimeter trail for the 草甸森林保护区 that reflects the interest of the KCT community and is compatible 与 existing flora and fauna.
  • 草甸森林保护区入侵物种管理计划.
  • 如果时间允许,开始进行建筑和入侵物种管理方面的培训.

亚历克西斯·韦弗,环境科学专业/地理信息系统辅修' 26


I hope to build greater connections 与in the Kittery community and help create a green future 与 the implementation of tree shade cover.  我很想知道我在商业可持续发展领域的未来会走向何方.”


The fellow will inventory and map heat islands and shade tree canopy and help develop a town-wide tree program that encourages the protection and planting of climate-resilient trees and shade areas. (基特里气候行动策略#6 (PDF)). The overall objective is to reduce the extent of heat islands in town over time (including preventing future heat islands) and to ensure tree canopy is managed and protected against climate-related risks, 包括干旱, 风暴/极端降水, 还有入侵的植物和虫子.

该项目是市议会通过的一项具体的气候行动计划战略. The project will also be an important component of the policy and ordinance development associated 与 other components of the Climate Action Plan related to low-impact development, 改善步行性(遮荫树改善行人安全和体验), 减少铺砌面积, 确保市政决策和资金策略考虑到韧性和可持续性.



  • Geographic 信息rmation Systems-based map of current heat islands and shade canopies 与 an accompanying report providing key findings.
  • Analysis of in股本 与in the community relative to access to shade and heat-relief building on the existing analysis of social vulnerability in Kittery provided in 2023 report.
  • 为公共空间制定遮荫树政策.
  • 在ppt中总结调查结果,并将调查结果提交给基特里镇.