

希斯·皮尔斯,m.s.Ed., RSCC*D, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D, ACSM EP-C
Assistant Dean, Westbrook 大学 of Health Professions

Bachelor of Science with a major in 应用运动科学


The 应用运动科学 (AES) program is a student-centered, 创新, comprehensive program designed to develop the knowledge, 技能, and abilities required for excellence in the fields of exercise science, 运动性能, 健康和健康. The curriculum encourages life-long learning through classroom, 实验室, 实习, 以及研究经验. Graduates will become highly effective, 富有同情心的联合医疗保健专业人员能够与不同的人群工作.


应用运动科学(AES)专业旨在为毕业生提供相关知识, 技能, and abilities necessary to perform pre-participatory screening, 体能测试, 运动处方, 为健康锻炼领导力, health-compromised人口, and athletic performance enhancement. The primary goals of the AES major are to prepare students:

  • 适用于各种应用健康项目的研究生/专业学校入学,包括物理治疗, 医师助理, 加速护理, 脊椎按摩疗法医学, 整骨疗法的医学, 运动生理学, 力量和调节.
  • 从事包括心肺康复在内的各种职业的运动科学专业人员的入门级工作, 心血管诊断试验, 力量和调节, 运动医学, 企业健康, 个人培训.
  • To successfully challenge accredited national certification examinations.


生物105 -生物I:生态学/进化4
生物106 – Bio II: Cellular/Molecular4
生物208 – Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology I4
生物209 – Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology II4
生物309 -病理生理学3
CHE 110 -普通化学I4
eng110 -英语写作4
IHS 130 – Interprofessional Health Care First-Year Experience3
IHS 310 – Ethics for Interprofessional Practice3
MAT 120 -统计3
减轻220 -营养3
PSY 105 – Introduction to Psychology3
鸟叔250 -寿命发展3
SOC 150 – Introduction to Sociology3
One (1) Creative Art Course (ART, ARH, MUS Prefix)3
ATC 101 – Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries3
ATC 306 – Psychology of Sport and Exercise3
ATC 333 -大体解剖3
atc420 -研究方法3
101年的练习 – Introduction to 应用运动科学1
120年的练习 – Personal Health and Wellness3
180年的练习 – Motor Learning and Performance3
EXS 310 – Kinesiology and Biomechanics3
EXS 320 – Exercise Physiology w/Lab3
EXS 322 – Metabolism and Bioenergetics of Sport Nutrition3
EXS 330 – Fitness Evaluation and Prescription w/Lab3
EXS 380 – 12 Lead ECG Interpretation w/Lab3
EXS 340 – Concepts of Strength and Conditioning3
EXS 392 – Clinical Exercise Testing and Prescription w/Lab3
EXS 432 – Exercise Management for Chronic Disease & 残疾3
EXS 495 - AES研讨会1
EXS 499 -实习*6
PHY 110 -普通物理带实验室4
1个EXS or 航管选修课程3
2个EXS, ATC, BIO, CHE, or PHY选修课程**6

高级水平的最终经验可以是EXS 499作为六(6)学分的实地经验实习(在夏季进行), 秋天, 或春季)或两(2)EXS 499三(3)学分的实地经验实习共计六(6)学分的组合. 每位学生必须在经批准的临床实习现场主管的直接监督下完成至少270个小时(45个小时/学分)的学习. 为了有资格完成实习,学生必须:具有至少九十(90)学分的高级状态, be in good standing with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or greater, and be compliant with all academic and technical standards. Failure to achieve these academic standards may delay graduation.

**EXS, ATC, BIO, CHE, or PHY Electives


正规澳门赌场网络威斯布鲁克卫生专业学院(WCHP)录取的学生必须遵守两套学术指南, 第一种是满足正规澳门赌场网络入学的最低要求,另一种是满足特定的课程要求.



Semesters one (1) through four (4) (freshman and sophomore years)

  1. In keeping with the guidelines of the University of New England, 所有学生必须达到最低累计学期结束时的平均成绩,如所述 学术政策法规 目录页.
  2. 如正规澳门赌场网络目录所述,未能保持最低GPA要求将导致学术留校察看.
  3. Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in the following courses: MAT 120, 生物105, 生物106, 生物208, 生物209, 生物309, 101年的练习, 120年的练习, 180年的练习, ATC 101, 减轻220. Failure to achieve a minimum grade of a C will result in program-level probation, and may affect academic progression and delay graduation.
  4. 学生必须在以下课程中达到C-的最低成绩:CHE 110和PHY 110. Failure to achieve a minimum grade of a C- will result in program-level probation, and may affect academic progression and delay graduation.
  5. 在上述任何一门课程中,没有达到C或C-的最低成绩的学生需要重修这门课程.
  6. 第二次修课成绩不低于C或C者,将被本专业开除.
  7. A student may enroll in any of the courses listed above a maximum of two (2) times. Enrollment in a course consists of achieving a WP or WF or a letter grade. 在一门课程中获得W不被视为正式入学,也不会受到学术处罚.

应用运动科学 Program Standards

Semesters four (4) through eight (8) (junior and senior years)

Minimum acceptable semester-end GPA2.5
Minimal grade of a C or better in any EXS or ATC prefix course2.0
  1. Once in course work within the major (秋天 of the junior year and beyond), students must maintain a minimum semester-end grade point average GPA of 2.5. 如果不这样做,将导致项目级别的试用,并可能影响学业进展和延迟毕业.
  2. Students whose semester-end GPA 秋天s below the 2.5 threshold for two (2) consecutive semesters will be dismissed from the program.
  3. Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in each EXS and ATC prefix course.
  4. 未在每门EXS或ATC前缀课程中达到C的最低成绩要求学生重修该课程.
  5. 第二次修课成绩不低于C者,将被本专业开除.
  6. A student may only enroll in any EXS or ATC prefix course a maximum of two (2) times. Enrollment in a course consists of achieving a WP or WF or a letter grade. 在一门课程中获得W不被视为正式入学,也不会受到学术处罚.


Upon successful completion of the AES program students will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge in the exercise sciences including anatomy and physiology, 运动生理学, 运动学和生物力学, 心电图的解释, 运动测试, 和处方, 运动学习, 和营养.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and clinical proficiency in the following content areas for both apparently healthy and chronic disease populations: pre-participation screening/health risk appraisal and stratification; fitness assessment and evaluation; the design of individually tailored 运动处方; and appropriate exercise techniques.
  • Recognize the importance of interprofessional collaboration in the delivery of safe, high-quality care within the health care system/exercise science field.
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in both oral and written formats.
  • 认识到为不同的客户、病人和/或运动员提供基于道德的护理的重要性.
  • 成功挑战美国运动医学学院和/或国家力量和调节协会认可的国家认证考试.


在其他认可的学院完成的课程可以转到这个学位课程. 转学的课程必须在范围和内容上与正规澳门赌场网络提供的必修课程相当接近,才能被视为完全等同. Otherwise, they may transfer as general electives. All courses completed must be no older than five (5) years. 适用其他限制.

看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.


The following criteria must be met for admission to the AES program:

  • 高中毕业证书或同等学历,大学预备课程成绩高于平均水平,包括化学(必须包括实验室), 生物学(必须包括实验室), mathematics (two (2) mathematics courses — algebra required, 几何优先), English (three (3) years required — four (4) years preferred).
  • 学业成绩单必须反映高中总体平均绩点(GPA)为2.5分,平均绩点2分.所有科学和数学课程都是5分.
  • The Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) is optional. 
  • 必须提交一份健康记录,表明申请人完整体检的具体结果.
  • 完成通用申请.

看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.



Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the 财务信息 本目录部分.


正规澳门赌场网络应用运动科学(AES)专业于2019年1月获得了联合健康教育计划认证委员会(CAAHEP)的认证。. The CAAHEP is the largest programmatic accreditor of the health sciences professions. In collaboration with its Committee on 认证, CAAHEP reviews and accredits more than twenty-one hundred (2,100) individual education programs in thirty (30) health science occupations. CAAHEP认证项目是在持续的基础上进行评估的,以确保它们符合每个专业的标准和指导方针.

自2006年成立以来,AES专业获得了国家力量和体能协会(NSCA)教育认可计划(ERP)的认可。. The NSCA ERP recognizes and distinguishes schools with standardized, 在本科设置中批准的力量和调节课程,旨在为学生准备NSCA认证私人教练®(NSCA- cpt®)和NSCA认证力量和调节专家®(CSCS®)认证.