正规澳门赌场网络 the Cross Insurance Arena

Cross Insurance Arena (前身为坎伯兰县文娱中心)是我们大学毕业典礼的理想场所. Nestled in downtown Portland, the Cross Insurance Arena provides convenient parking, assistance for the disabled, and ample seating for friends and family.

Get directions to the Cross Insurance Arena


在与十字保险竞技场相邻的春街停车场提供停车位,车位可用,预付费活动费率为9美元. 在One City Center车库(自由街入口)也可以停车,每小时收费5美元. 这个车库是全自动的,只接受信用卡.

City of Portland parking map

Accessible Parking

Handicapped accessible parking is available at the Spring Street Parking Garage on each level; this garage is accessible via Spring Street or Free Street. 的 garage's pedestrian entrance directly into the Cross Insurance Arena lobby is not wheelchair accessible; if you or guests in your party have limited mobility, take the garage elevator to the first floor. 十字保险竞技场的入口坡道在左边.


Graduate Seating

During the ceremony, 毕业生将入场并在十字保险竞技场的地板上就座.  座位位置将根据毕业生所在的学院和他们所获得的学位而定.  要查找即将毕业的学生的大致座位,请查看 graduate seating diagram (PDF).

Disability Services


十字保险体育馆设有多个指定座位区(see diagram PDF). 交叉保险竞技场的引座员将根据需要指导客人就座. 每位有残疾的客人可以由另一位客人陪同进入指定的座位区. 的 remaining guests will need to find other seating. This will be strictly enforced by Arena staff. 我们很抱歉,这可能会给家庭带来一些不便, 但要确保有特殊需要的客人有合适的座位.

Doors to the Cross Insurance Arena will open at 9 a.m. for general seating. 为残疾客人提供座位,先到先得, first-served basis. 请尽量早到,以确保您的座位需求得到满足.

Wheelchairs and Carts

使用轮椅或手推车的客人可以从Spring Street或Free Street入口进入主大堂. 自由街一侧将在人行道上安装电梯,而春街一侧将有一个坡道. 无障碍电梯和浴室位于设施的两端. 在设施的上层和底层有轮椅座位空间 (see diagram).

Guests with Limited Mobility

Guests with limited mobility (walkers, crutches, (行走能力有限)可从春街或自由街入口进入. 如果需要的话,有轮椅可以带您到座位上.

Guests with Visual Impairments

有视觉障碍的客人可以选择坐在靠近舞台的地板上. 颁奖典礼还将被投影到舞台两侧的大屏幕上,为所有观众扩大视野.

Guests with Hearing Impairments

有听力障碍的观众可向十字保险体育馆售票处借用助听设备. (Please note that limited quantities are available.)售票处可由春街或自由街一侧进入大厦 (see diagram). 你将被要求留下一张带有照片的身份证明作为保证金. 辅助收听装置将使您在竞技场的任何座位上都能听到仪式. 请在仪式结束时交还设备,您的身份证件将会退还给您. 将提供口译服务和字幕.

Attendance Policies

For more information refer to http://www.crossarenaportland.com/plan-your-visit.

Food and Beverages

No food or beverages (including alcohol, 咖啡, bottled water, 或空的饮料容器)可于活动期间带入交叉保险竞技场. This policy is strictly enforced.

Security and Metal Detectors

Ensuring the safety of guests is always a top priority. 请注意,场馆保安可能会使用金属探测器(磁力计)搜查所有进入场馆的顾客. Guests should keep the following in mind:

  • 尽量减少携带个人物品到会场.
  • Allow extra time for arriving to and entering the venue.
  • 客人将被要求脱掉衣服/物品/任何可能触发警报的物品, including cell phones and keys, 然后通过金属探测器(磁力计)单元.
  • Bags will be searched. 请不要携带双肩包进入十字保险竞技场.
  • If the Metal Detector (Magnetometer) alarm sounds, 客人将接受第二次筛选,这可能会减慢进入场地的速度.
  • 的 same list of venue-prohibited items will still apply.
  • 这些单元将用于哪些活动由场馆管理部门自行决定.


Smoking is prohibited in the Cross Insurance Arena.


Cross Insurance Arena的Free Street广场将提供食品和饮料.

UNE Merchandise
