UNE 药学院 Student Complaint Policy

The 认证 Council on Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE) is required by the U.S. Secretary of Education to require its pharmacy programs to record and handle student complaints regarding a school's adherence to the ACPE Standards.

To comply with this mandate, the University of New England 药学院 has established the following procedure for students who wish to file a complaint about the school’s ability to meet accreditation standards or adhere to the ACPE policies and procedure.

The following is the 药学院 procedure to handle student complaints, 然而, students may address their concerns directly by contacting the ACPE as stated below.

  • 学生 should familiarize themselves with the ACPE Standards on the ACPE website www.acpe-accredit.org.
  • 学生 should prepare a statement in writing identifying the nature of the complaint, standard(s) violated, and specific factual information when pertinent (times, 的地方, 人参与).
  • The complaint should be submitted to Dr. 史蒂文·F. Siconolfi, interim dean of the 药学院, 院长办公室, 史蒂文斯大道716号, 波特兰, 缅因州04103.
  • In addition to the written complaint, the student filing the complaint is also welcome to make an appointment to meet with the appropriate school administrator(s) to discuss his or her complaint(s) and options for resolution.
  • The dean will work with appropriate administrators, 委员会, and staff to resolve the complaint, 如果合适的话, and respond accordingly to the filing of the complaint.
  • If the student filing the complaint is not satisfied with the response provided by the School, then he or she may contact ACPE at 190 South Lasalle Street, 2850套房, 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州, 60603-3499. Phone (312) 664-3575, Fax (866) 228-2631.
  • A record of written complaints about the school’s adherence to the ACPE accreditation standards or policies and procedures will be maintained for the ACPE to review at the time of an accreditation site visit.