
Project Alliance – Collaboration and Action to Reduce Substance Use and Misuse

CHCC’s Project Alliance coalition aims to increase collaboration and take action to reduce the risks related to alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs for youth and 社区成员 in northern York County.

The Project Alliance board includes representatives from diverse sectors including schools, parents, 执法, youth, clergy, and more. 与社区伙伴合作, Project Alliance leads substance misuse prevention efforts to reduce retail and social access to alcohol, 提高对大麻使用风险的认识, 促进处方药的安全处置. Project Alliance board members have been leaders in establishing the Northern York County Prescription Drug Coalition, chairing the Maine Opiate Collaborative’s Prevention/Harm Reduction Task Force, and serving as the prevention partner for the newly-formed Saco Biddeford Opioid Outreach Initiative.

CHCC’s substance abuse prevention work is supported by funding from the Maine Substance Use Prevention Services grant and the Office of National Drug Control Policy.


What we do

CHCC addresses underage drinking through strategies to reduce retail and social access to alcohol. 

Who we reach

CHCC reduces access to and use of alcohol among youth ages 12-18 by working directly with youth, parents, retails, 执法部门和学校.

Our approach

  • 负责饮料服务员培训: CHCC赞助培训给业主, managers and staff of establishments that serve alcohol the knowledge and skills needed to help them serve alcohol responsibly and fulfill the legal requirements of alcohol service.
  • 主持人,损失最大的父母: CHCC举办“家长主持”活动, “失去最多”的活动,对父母进行法律教育, risks, 以及举办未成年人酒会的后果.
  • 与执法部门合作: CHCC supports the York County Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) to conduct retail underage drinking law compliance checks and party patrols.
  • 项目标签冲击: This program is designed to reach adults who consider purchasing alcohol for minors. Student volunteers place bright stickers warning about the penalties for furnishing alcohol to minors on alcohol products that appeal to underage drinkers. 这个项目是青年之间的伙伴关系, retailers, 忧心忡忡的家长们, 社区成员, 预防专业人员, and 执法 with the goal of educating potential furnishers, 提高公众对未成年人饮酒的意识, 阻止向未成年人提供酒精饮料. 
  • 学校物质使用政策: CHCC provides technical assistance to schools reviewing and revising their policies. Effective substance use policies are an essential part of creating a healthy and 为学生提供安全的学校环境, staff, 和社区.
  • Photovoice: PhotoVoice promotes the use of photography for positive social change while capturing the conditions in the community through the eyes of our youth.  
  • 终身盛年: Prime for life is an evidenced-based prevention and intervention program. The program helps people learn to reduce their risks of alcohol and drug related problems throughout their lifetime. It is designed to change drinking and drug use behaviors by changing beliefs, attitudes, 风险感知, motivations, and the knowledge of how to reduce risk of alcohol and drug related problems throughout their lives. 



CHCC works to reduce marijuana use among youth ages 12-18 by distributing information, 提供培训, and facilitating discussions on the latest research relating to the health impacts of marijuana use among youth, 现行法律和政策, 为教育工作者提供基于证据的课程计划. 

Who we reach 

We work directly with youth, parents, 执法, and school administrators.


  • 学校药物滥用政策: CHCC provides technical assistance to schools reviewing and revising their policies. Effective substance abuse policies are an essential part of creating a healthy, 为学生提供安全的学校环境, staff, 和社区. 
  • 与执法部门合作: CHCC supports York County’s Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) committee to conduct party patrols.
  • 大麻峰会: CHCC convenes groups of school administrators and youth for annual meetings aimed at increasing knowledge about current marijuana use trends among youth and the health and legal implications. The summits offer a chance for networking, information sharing, and framing action plans.
  • Photovoice: PhotoVoice promotes the use of photography for positive social change while capturing the conditions in the community through the eyes of our youth.
  • 终身盛年: Prime for life is an evidenced-based prevention and intervention program. The program helps people learn to reduce their risks of alcohol and drug related problems throughout their lifetime. It is designed to change drinking and drug use behaviors by changing beliefs, attitudes, 风险感知, motivations, and the knowledge of how to reduce risk of alcohol and drug related problems throughout their lives. 


  • Maine Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services: 5 Key Messages for Parents about Marijuana and Tips for Talking to Your Teen
  • 正规澳门赌场网络大麻合法化的信息


What we do

CHCC works to prevent prescription drug and medicine abuse in northern York County.

Who we reach

CHCC与执法部门合作, realtors, 葬礼的房主, 和其他具体的业务,以达到更大的社区.

Our approach

  • 药物回收日: In collaboration with the Northern York County Prescription Drug Coalition, CHCC sponsors and promotes semi-annual drug take-back days where 社区成员 can safely and securely dispose of expired, 未使用和不需要的药物. Local events are part of the National Take-Back Initiative coordinated by the U.S. 缉毒局.
  • MedReturn框: CHCC partners with local 执法 departments to make MedReturn boxes available, allowing 社区成员 to safely and securely drop off expired, unused or unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medications. Drop boxes are located in every police department lobby in northern York County. 要在你附近找到一个投递箱,请访问 MedReturnME.com.
  • Education: CHCC教育学校, 社区组织, parents, and 社区成员 about the risks of prescription drug misuse and options for securing and safely disposing of medications.



如果你有问题,请提问 电邮Cheri Sullivan至csullivan29@thejurassicmusic.com